Favorite Art Encounters

Here, below, are some personal reflections from Gustavus Choir members about the art they experienced in Italy during the two-week January 2011 tour, which was preceded by studying art, culture, and creativity in the classroom earlier in the month.

“The Visitation” by Mariotto Albertinelli in Florence

“I’m not quite sure what it was about the painting. I was just immediately drawn in. The intimacy of the moment between Mary and Elizabeth was truly amazing. At first glance, the picture looks soft to the touch. Mary’s red and blue and Elizabeth’s yellow and green [clothing] was so vibrant. What I really liked about it was the hand grasp between the cousins. It looked quiet, serene, and eternal. I couldn’t take my eyes away.”
~Megan Myhre ’11, soprano and religion major

“David” by Michelangelo in Florence

“One of my favorite art pieces, from among the thousands of statues inside and outside of museum, was Michelangelo’s David. I know it’s a bit cliché, but I was impressed with this masterpiece of sculpting. I marveled at both the functionality and beauty of the sling shot strap as it supports his massive left hand and subtly highlights the tension the young man feels in this decisive moment. Perhaps the most impressing part of David is how soft and life-like Michelangelo made this stone look, as if he will climb down of the pedestal and join you for a cup of delicious cappuccino.”
~Mason Siirila ’12, tenor and psychology major

“One of my many favorite parts of the tour was seeing the statue of David. When I turned the corner and saw him, I experienced major butterflies in my stomach. I couldn’t stop staring because I was in total awe of the sheer size and detail. It was amazing.”
~Bergit Nerheim ’11, alto and communication studies major

“Everyone knows David. He’s the talk of the town and his 15 minutes of fame never runs out. Always tense, ready to slay the behemoth Goliath, but this constant position gives him cramps in his tendons. He knows he’s fampus, but he doesn’t care. Gazing out into the distance, he readies his sling on his shoulder, eyeing the target, slow and lumbering, the pride and joy of the enemy’s army. The actual moment of death is still a few seconds away, but David already knows that he is the David and he towers in his glory.”
~Brendan Nadeau ’11, bass and political science major

Trevi Fountain in Rome

“My favorite work of art was the Trevi Fountain in Rome. It was incredible at night. The view was absolutely beautiful. Of course, I had to throw a coin in for good luck.”
~Abby Williams ’11, soprano and biology and geography major

Primavera by Botticelli in Florence

“I was in the Uffizi Gallery in the Botticelli room and found myself with the “Primavera.” I had visited last year and was more impressed by the “Birth of Venus” which also inhabited the room. But, today, when I was wandering though I found myself alone in front of this piece. And for the 30 seconds in between tour groups and straglers, the painting came out of its frame and I was absorbed into another world. And, for those brief seconds, I felt connected through time.”
~Dan Mellema ’11, bass and physics major


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