This morning the travel journey began . . . at 4 a.m. when the students boarded the bus outside of the music building. The bus ride went off without a hitch and check in began at 6 a.m. at the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport. The 57-member choir and the 15-member companion tour gathered at Gate E10, boarded the plane to Chicago, and soon thereafter de-boarded after hearing the dreaded word “mechanical” issue from the Captain,
Now the group awaits until the frozen pipeline is thawed.
The lemonade out of these early morning lemons (and not Sorrento lemons), is that bonding and community building is occurring. The choir learned that Dr. Aune is a whiz at crossword puzzles. He completed one crossword in 4 minutes and 35 seconds.
After a 3-hour delay, we are told the flight will re-board in just a few minutes.
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