Month: January 2014
A Conductor’s Perspective
We have now completed 10.5 days (about 40 hours of rehearsal) of our time together, as the Gustavus Wind Orchestra prepares for a magnificent tour to East/Central Europe. Of course, there remains a great deal of learning to acquire and to internalize, all of it based in intensive study. To be sure, the schedule is…
Wind Tour Cues Fienen Return to Classroom
Since 1994, David Fienen has been a fixture on the Gustavus Band/Wind Orchesrtra’s international concert tours, both as a guest performer and as one of the teachers in the January Term course. Although it’s been a few years since he was in the classroom, David finds the fit is still good. As the Gustavus Wind…
Gustavus Wind Orchestra Preps for European Concert Tour
The longest journey begins with the first step. For the past week, the 68-member Gustavus Wind Orchestra and conductor Douglas Nimmo have been taking those first steps as they are engaged in daily classes, intensive rehearsals, sectionals and private practice. They are taking those first steps on an adventure that will take them on a…